Amazing Science! Volume 1. 2 DVDs. 4 hrs. Prod. by Dist. by AV Café. 2012. ISBN unavail. $19.95.
K-Gr 8–Twenty-three fascinating experiments conducted by former NASA rocket scientist, Jason Gibson, are demonstrated in a simple, easy-to-understand manner. For each one, viewers are given a materials list, step-by-step instructions complete with live-action demonstrations and explanations on how to conduct the activity, what results to expect, and the science behind it. Common household items are used, requiring little advanced preparation. Each experiment can be accessed individually, allowing selection according to curriculum needs. Once it has been completed, Gibson provides the scientific explanation for the reactions in basic terms. Among the exciting experiments are: Color Changing Milk, Exploring Air Pressure, Lemon Battery, Unburnable Money, Matchstick Speedboat, Balloon in a Candle Flame, Simple Lava Lamp, Soda Can Fizz, and Build a Motor. This incredible resource provides simple-to-understand and easy-to-perform science activities that are a must-have for all elementary and middle school collections, public libraries, and home schoolers.–Linda M. Teel,EastCarolinaUniversity,Greenville,NC